3417 Canton Rd Building 2, Marietta, GA 30066

Is your health holding you back?

I'm Dr. Gena Mastrogianakis, M.D. If your health is keeping you from living the life you love, I'm here to show you that you don't have to settle for less than great health.

My patients often come to me after getting the medical "run-around"
Numerous doctors...Ineffective prescriptions...Unnecessary procedures...and yet their problems persist.

If this sounds like your story, and you're:

  • Suffering fromunresolvedhealth issues
  • Struggling with lowenergy, hormonal orage related limitations
  • Active, and wantto be at your bestas long as you can

Contact me today

A different patient experience

I’m a board certified Family Physician (M.D.), with advanced training in Functional Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Longevity Medicine, Prolozone Therapy, Peptide Therapy, Anti-Aging, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement and Restorative Systems.

What that means for you is that I bring a much more current and comprehensive set of tools to your care, and you’ll experience the difference immediately.

  • Patient Centered

    Your goals take center stage. Together we’ll explore the many factors contributing to your current state of health.

  • Root Cause Focused

    Rather than chasing symptoms, I focus on finding the root cause, and create a treatment plan to address that.

  • Whole Person Approach

    I take a holistic approach to your health, evaluating your body systems, lifestyle, emotional health, stress and relaxation. I care about it all.

  • Natural Therapies

    My therapies prioritize whole food nutrition, herbs, detoxification, movement, emotional balance and relaxation to achieve health.

And because my focus is on you...

  • Appointments last as long as you need them to
  • Questions are encouraged, and I'll explain things in plain English
  • We'll communicate in whatever way is convenient for you (in person or through televisit)

If this is the kind of experience you’re looking for, contact me today to get started.

Medical Services Designed for Today

Our modern lives present many new health challenges that just weren’t an issue 30 years ago. The most common medical concerns I encounter are a result of stressful, fast paced lives and an environment that is toxic to our bodies.

I offer individualized testing and natural solutions to these 21st century challenges.

  • NaturalSolutions to:

    Unhealthy aging

    Poor digestive health

    Hormone Imbalance
    (Thyroid, adrenal and hormone)

    Altered Immune function

    Low energy

    Cardiometabolic abnormalities

  • Vitality ServicesPerform & Feel Your Best

    Personalized nutritional plan

    Supplementation based on your lab results

    Detoxification and inflammation therapies

    Fasting and fasting mimicking diets

    Ozone treatments for joint health

    Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

    Hormones balancing program

    Rejuvenating peptide therapies

  • IndividualizedTesting

    Biologic Age

    Comprehensive GI analysis

    Extensive hormonal testing (thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones)

    Food Sensitivity

    Oxidation and inflammation

    Metabolism and insulin resistance

    Cholesterol and Lipoprotein profile

    Micronutrient analysis

    Omega Index

    Genetic testing

As a Family Physician I see patients of all ages and at every stage of life

What My Patients Are Saying

  • Fantastic Doctor! Dr. Mastro is very intelligent and really cares about her patients. She has excellent communication skills and takes plenty of time with each patient. She clearly explains your treatment plan. I've personally seen how following her treatment plan has greatly changed my health positively. I've grown to trust her greatly. Highest recommendation! 

    - Jim S.
  • Finding an experienced doctor to administer ozone into my joints to eliminate arthritic inflammation has been a huge blessing and has provided a tremendous amount of relief and healing. Not only is Dr. Mastrogianakis skilled, she is kind, compassionate, and a trusted resource when it comes to bettering my health. I highly recommended her!

    - Stephanie F. - RN, MS, CPNP
  • My daughter had seen numerous Doctors over the last year, was hospitalized multiple times, even had her gallbladder removed trying to solve her GI problems. After one meeting with Dr. Gena, she was on a treatment plan that has her back to eating normal food and back to work. Dr. G is what modern medicine should be!

    - V. W.
  • Dr. Mastro is passionate about helping patients improve their health. She is attentive; very thorough; and utilizes a wide base of knowledge in her treatment plans. Her response to emails is timely, and she has always responded, which is a big deal for me. During my first session with Dr. Mastro, I could sense that she truly cared and that I was not just another number to her. I have been to several doctors and I believe Mastrogianakis will be my last as I have confidence she will help me optimize my health...

    - T. T.

Meet the Doctor

  • Gena Mastrogianakis, M.D.
    Gena Mastrogianakis, M.D. IFMCP

    Board-Certified Family Medicine Physician
    Certified IFM Practitioner
    Functional Medicine Specialist
    Holistic Practitioner

    I started this practice to do for my patients what no one could do for me…give hope and a real solution to chronic illness. My training and experience have taught me a better way and have given me an amazing gift that I’m blessed to share with my patients. A gift of hope and a healthier life.

    Read More

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